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Coordinating Your Professionals


Financial Planning is often a term used colloquially to mean managing one’s money, but it isn’t exclusive to saving and implementing market strategies. It is also safeguarding those assets for the future through analyzing special financial needs (death, disability, job loss, monetary windfall), taxation implications, medical/health planning, and liability concerns. Most professionals offer a couple specialized services but not all. With this in mind, it is imperative that your financial planner/investment advisor serve as a Quarterback who can connect the pieces of your financial puzzle. By working hand in hand with your insurance provider, estate attorney and/or CPA among other professionals a Financial Advisor can work as a liaison to ensure that during planning we are looking at the whole person and all the relationships and financial implications in their life. Having a coordinated financial strategy brings confidence, nuance, and finesse into your financial life.

Some examples of this kind of collaboration would be the financial planner and the estate attorney ensuring that beneficiary designations are designed to properly deliver to your heirs with minimum effort and tax implications. Another example, the financial planner and your accountant maximizing your tax savings through retirement contributions or decreasing your overall tax liability while distributing assets during retirement. All of these are important components of a holistic management of your financial life and understanding that each decision has a domino effect. Working to coordinate your professionals ensures all decisions are well-thought out and protects your present and your future.

Here at Attentive, we strongly believe that two minds are better than one and when your financial professionals work together it will bring the best outcome for you. We are happy to work with any of your other professionals or recommend some of our colleagues should you need their services.



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